1. Introduction
  2. Foundations
    1. Evaluation
    2. Literals
    3. Function calls
    4. Symbols
    5. Bindings and Scopes
  3. Steel
    1. Features
    2. Licensing
  4. Getting Started
    1. Online Playground
    2. Using Steel on its own
    3. Using Rust in Steel
    4. Embedding Steel in Rust
  5. The Rust Engine API
    1. Registering functions
    2. Embedding values
  6. Language Reference
    1. Keywords
    2. Syntax
    3. Macros
    4. Contracts
    5. Transducers
    6. Modules
    7. Functions
      1. Logging
      2. Built ins
        1. steel/base
        2. steel/bytevectors
        3. steel/constants
        4. steel/core/option
        5. steel/core/result
        6. steel/core/types
        7. steel/equality
        8. steel/filesystem
        9. steel/hash
        10. steel/identity
        11. steel/io
        12. steel/immutable-vectors
        13. steel/json
        14. steel/lists
        15. steel/meta
        16. steel/numbers
        17. steel/ord
        18. steel/ports
        19. steel/process
        20. steel/random
        21. steel/sets
        22. steel/streams
        23. steel/strings
        24. steel/symbols
        25. steel/syntax
        26. steel/time
        27. steel/transducers
        28. steel/vectors
  7. Bytecode
    1. Optimizations
  8. Benchmarks
  9. Common Patterns
    1. Interior Mutability
    2. Async
  10. Memory Management