Bindings and Scopes

How do we define symbols? And more importantly, how do we assign values to them? Let's address these questions now.

λ > a

Congratulations, we've defined our first symbol.

error[E02]: FreeIdentifier
  ┌─ :1:1
1 │ a
  │ ^ a

Well, not so fast.

As mentioned earlier in the book, the interpreter evaluates S-expressions that it encounters, and the symbol a is no exception. Since symbol evaluation involves substituting it with a bound value, and there is none bound to it, we get an error.

Let's change that.


This is how we bind values to symbols, using (define symbol value):

λ > (define a 1337)
λ > a
=> 1337

Here, we've created a binding between the symbol a and a number literal. Consequently, further evaluation of a yields the elite integer. It's worth noting that regardless of whether a is bound and used across different expressions (in separate interpreter entries), it still retains its value. Why? Because the Steel session we're in introduces a scope, a context used in evaluation to resolve symbol bindings.

Another example:

λ > (define c (+ 1000 337))
λ > c
=> 1337

Although evaluation rules differ for define (symbol c is not evaluated, otherwise it would result in an error and make no sense), the value part follows standard rules.

let and local scope define

If define seems reminiscent of global variables to you, you're not alone. While it's suitable for defining function bindings (more on that later) or constants, there must be a better way for local bindings.

Coming from Scheme, Steel has two ways to do it: one is a Lisp classic, let bindings, and the other is local scope define.


Allow me to introduce let, a term familiar from our host language, Rust, with the same meaning.

let is used as follows: (let ((symbol-a value-a) (symbol-b value-b) ...) body).

λ > (let ((a (* 25 4))
          (b 3))
      (* a b))
=> 300
λ > a
=> 1337

Three points to note here:

  1. We're dealing with an altered evaluation: the let symbol has no function bound to it, and in nested forms, only certain things get evaluated. This is the effect macros give us.
  2. We've defined two symbols and bound values to them, which have been evaluated to these values in the latest expression inside the let expression.
  3. a became 100, but only within the last expression nested in let, because it introduced a narrower scope. However, it didn't change the previous binding of a, but it shadowed it. And as you can probably guess, b is not defined beyond let.

Local scope define

For the sake of example, we'll use let once again to define a local scope. However, we won't define any symbols with it but use define within the body of let (this shall work with other ways to define a local scope, but we don't know about them yet, so this one should work just enough):

λ > (let ()
      (define a (+ 100 100))
      (define b (+ 2 3))
      (* a b))
=> 1000
λ > a
error[E02]: FreeIdentifier
  ┌─ :1:1
1 │ a
  │ ^ a

λ > b
error[E02]: FreeIdentifier
  ┌─ :1:1
1 │ b
  │ ^ b

As we can see, in Steel, define inside of a local scope could be used instead of let bindings, and it won't alter the outer scope.