Making a Steel Module in Rust

Sometimes you may want to create a Steel module by calling Rust. This can be useful to:

  • Optimize a performance critical codepath with Rust.
  • Take advantage of Rust's rich ecosystem.

Whatever the case, Steel provides facilities to create reusable modules based on Rust code. This process involves compiling Rust into a dylib.


In this guide, we'll make a dylib that will wrap the sys-info crate. There are roughly 3 steps:

  1. Create a new Rust library of type "cdylib".
  2. Define a module and register types and functions to it.
  3. Build the Steel crate and install it to $STEEL_HOME/native.
  4. Use the library from Steel with #%require-dylib.

Creating a cdylib library

To start, create a new library using cargo:

$ cargo new --lib steel-sys-info

This should create a directory structure as follows:

├── Cargo.toml
├── src
│   └──

We'll want to make this a cdylib library for Steel, so we'll perform the following adjustments in Cargo.toml:

  1. Set the crate-type to "cdylib".
  2. Include steel-core with the dylibs feature as a dependency.
  3. Include abi_stable as a dependency. This is required by some steel-core macros.
name = "steel-sys-info"
version.workspace = true
edition = "2021"

name = "steel_sys_info"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

# I'm running this example based on the `steel-sys-info` library found in the steel repo. If you're
# running this on your own, use whichever steel version you'd like to target and pin to that.
steel-core = { workspace = true, features = ["dylibs"] }
abi_stable = "0.11.1"
sys-info = "0.9.1"

This means that when we run cargo build we'll produce a shared library (.so file). The shared library can be loaded into other programs, Steel in our case.

Creating a module

For the purposes of this example, we'll create a module that wraps the MemInfo struct, and expose the information there. Since we'll be implementing traits that are defined inside the steel crate, we'll need to create a struct to wrap the sys_info::MemInfo struct:

struct MemoryInfo {
    info: sys_info::MemInfo,

impl MemoryInfo {
    fn total(&self) -> isize { as isize

    fn avail(&self) -> isize { as isize

    fn free(&self) -> isize { as isize

    fn buffers(&self) -> isize { as isize

    fn cached(&self) -> isize { as isize

    fn swap_total(&self) -> isize { as isize

    fn swap_free(&self) -> isize { as isize

Now that we've done that, we can expose this to steel by implementing the Custom type for the struct, and declaring an FFIModule:

// Using ABI Stable types is very important
use steel::{
    steel_vm::ffi::{FFIModule, RegisterFFIFn},

impl Custom for MemoryInfo {}


fn create_module() -> FFIModule {
    let mut module = FFIModule::new("steel/sys-info");

    module.register_fn("mem-info", || MemoryInfo {
        info: sys_info::mem_info().unwrap(),

        .register_fn("MemoryInfo-total", MemoryInfo::total)
        .register_fn("MemoryInfo-avail", MemoryInfo::avail)
        .register_fn("MemoryInfo-free", MemoryInfo::free)
        .register_fn("MemoryInfo-buffers", MemoryInfo::buffers)
        .register_fn("MemoryInfo-cached", MemoryInfo::cached)
        .register_fn("MemoryInfo-swap-total", MemoryInfo::swap_total)
        .register_fn("MemoryInfo-swap-free", MemoryInfo::swap_free);


The register_fn API will perform all of the necessary coercions necessary to make this as safe as possible. At the end of the day, this is FFI and we are loading shared libraries, so there is some unsafe Rust code, however steel uses the underlying abi_stable library in order to make interactions with the shared library as safe as possible.

Installing the library

To install the dylib in a location where the steel interpreter will find it, from the root of the library just run:

$ cargo steel-lib

This will build the crate, and copy the resulting dylib to $STEEL_HOME/native.

Using the library from Steel

To load the library, use the syntax #%require-dylib - This operates similary to a standard require, in that all of the modifiers you're used to using work, such as only-in and prefix-in. However, the argument is no longer the path to the library, but rather the name of the library without the extension. By default, the library will be named the [lib] name used in the toml, prefixed with lib.

(#%require-dylib "libsteel_sys_info"
                 (only-in mem-info

(provide current-memory-usage memory-usage-as-percentage)

(define (current-memory-usage #:memory-info (memory-info (mem-info)))
  (- (MemoryInfo-total memory-info) (MemoryInfo-free memory-info) (MemoryInfo-cached memory-info)))

(define (memory-usage-as-percentage #:memory-info (memory-info (mem-info)))
  (/ (current-memory-usage #:memory-info memory-info) (MemoryInfo-total memory-info)))

This can then be installed as a library itself on the machine, and required just like any other library, using a cog.scm file for the manifest.